These days, the total average cost of higher education exceeds $140,000 per child at private four-year colleges.(1) The cost can even exceed $70,000-$75,000 a year at select schools and continues to grow exponentially. But there are several ways young students and their families can save to prepare …  Read More
How to Afford College and Avoid Debt
As a parent, you know that education is an important component of your child’s success in his or her career. Today, more employers are expecting their employees to have a college degree before they will even consider hiring a prospective job candidate. This is also the case when it comes time for …  Read More
Family & Finances: Money Basics for Your Children
All parents want to see their children become successful adults. Academically this means taking the time to help them with their studies, paying for tutors, college, and possibly post-graduate schooling. It also includes many hours at sporting events, dance recitals, and other extra-curricular …  Read More