Helping You Save & Plan For A Stress-Free Retirement

Here at Magellan Financial, our aim is to help you experience a comfortable retirement. It starts with accumulating retirement savings as early as possible, continues with realistic retirement planning, and culminates with adjustments as you approach the finish line of your professional career – and beyond. It’s an ongoing process that adapts based upon your current situation in life and integrates other financial goals you have for you and your loved ones.
The Most Comfortable Retirements Starts Early
You have a great chance to achieve your retirement goals if you treat wealth planning as a long-term project. When you start saving early, you can keep reinvesting gains and earning compound interest that adds up over the years. Basic tips we share with clients include:
- Get started in your 20s by paying off debts and contributing to your 401K
- Plan for your family in your 30s by ramping up your 401K and starting a 529 plan
- Refocus your plan in your 40s to ensure your retirement savings come first
- Pay your mortgage and make catch-up contributions in your 50s to prepare
While you can always enjoy benefits from starting your retirement savings early, you should also consider adjusting your savings plan to align with your own goals. If you’re not sure how you should approach retirement savings, consider some strategies that tend to work well for people in different stages of their life.
Not ready for specific retirement planning, but want help with Investing?
Contact Magellan Financial Today!
How Our Retirement Planning Process Works:
While a quick start helps anyone, we recognize that everyone’s situation is different. That’s why Magellan’s tailored investment planning process goes beyond the basics of savings to build on your unique goals (both short and long term.) Once we establish your goals we will work with you to chart a course for lifelong financial success. This path often includes college savings needs, investment services, and estate planning strategies to coordinate with your retirement plan.
The plan is dynamic, not static, so it will be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. Your investment strategy is a direct result of your plan and is designed to help you achieve your goals and retire stress-free. We deploy many different strategies, including sustainable investments for those who want to be socially mindful of their investment portfolios.

We work with our clients step-by-step throughout their lives; meeting to review their retirement progress with Wells Fargo Advisors’ Envision® process. We combine this process with our own proprietary process to help create clear, concise pictures of where you are today, why you invest and how to help chart the course to your desired future.
Magellan Financial Ready Retirement System
You have worked hard and saved for several years now, but like many approaching the finish line, you may be wondering “is it enough?” Retirement is not something that one should just go into based on a wing and prayer. Don’t just hope that you have enough money saved to retire. Getting ready to retire takes planning and coordination of different facets of your life as you transition into a new phase, including:
- Healthcare & Protection
- Social Security Benefits
- Financial Portfolio Management
- Cost of Retirement Lifestyle
We can help you manage the inevitable ups and downs of the markets and gain consistent income streams in retirement. Our system is designed for our clients to be properly invested, giving them the time, freedom, and confidence to enjoy retirement as they wish. Doubtless you have other questions. Contact Magellan Financial today and get the answers you need.
Ready to Discuss Your Retirement Goals?
Contact Magellan Financial Today!
You care about your family’s financial security, and so do we. Contact our Retirement Advisors today and let’s talk about our Retirement Planning Services.
Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network and its financial advisors provide non-fiduciary services only. They do not provide investment advice [as defined under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 as amended (“ERISA”), have any discretionary authority with respect to the plan, make any investment or other decisions on behalf of the plan, or otherwise take any action that would make them fiduciaries to the plan under “ERISA”.
Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Transactions requiring tax consideration should be reviewed carefully with your accountant or tax advisor. Any estate plan should be reviewed by an attorney who specializes in estate planning and is licensed to practice law in your state