During the Thanksgiving season, many people identify various aspects of their life for which they are thankful for. Many reflect on their health, job, family & loved ones, and several other things. In addition to those, we’d like to take a moment to focus on why experienced investment planning is something to be thankful for.
1. With Age Comes Wisdom
When it comes to investing, we believe experience is everything. Sure, a young, new financial advisor may have all the education and certifications you need, but the value of experience is unmeasurable. An experienced investment planner has had an ample amount of time to study and work in the financial markets, learn from his/her successes and failures, and has just an overall confidence and comfortability in dealing with clients we don’t think you will find in those who are inexperienced.
At Magellan Financial, our team of Financial Advisors has over 100 years of combined experience.
2. Experienced Investment Planners Understand You
As mentioned above, an experienced Investment Planner is very comfortable in their situation. This means that they are more willing to understand you (which is the most important part). We believe an experienced investor has some level of job security and has confidence in their work. This reduced level of stress or concern allows them to focus more on you, the investor. By shifting their focus towards you, they will fully understand your goals, fears, and risk tolerance.
3. More Experience Tends To Mean A Better Experience For You
Investing is not just a game of numbers in which you strike lucky. It’s an ongoing process that deals with people and their financial livelihoods. For all the reasons mentioned above, we believe working with an experienced financial advisor is beneficial to helping you reach your financial goals. When it comes to helping secure a brighter financial future for you and your family, experience can be key.