You already know the basics of personal finance: spend less money than you earn, save the rest. Once you’ve got that covered, it really comes down to how you balance your financial goals. Do you pay off your student loans early or save more toward your retirement? Add in the complexifier of a spouse …  Read More
Retirement Planning Resources
Key Lessons for Living in Retirement
Here at Magellan Financial, our aim is to help you experience a comfortable retirement. This means building a solid investment plan. Throughout our 2018 Living in Retirement blog series we’ve addressed some of the more common questions and fears that arise both before and during the retirement …  Read More
7 Simple Steps To Create Your Retirement Budget
Most of you probably have some notion of your retirement goals. You may visualize traveling, spending more time with your grandchildren, or even turning a hobby into a retirement business. No matter what kind of activities you hope to enjoy, goals without plans to achieve them are just wishes. …  Read More
How to Cut Expenses to Attain Your Retirement Lifestyle
How do you know if you're saving enough for retirement? To begin to answer that question, run a basic retirement calculator at least once a year. Even better, consider obtaining more customized answers from a financial advisor. A financial professional will consider your unique goals and help you …  Read More
Tips to Plan for Retirement by the Decade
You have a great chance to achieve your retirement goals if you treat retirement planning as a long-term project. When you start saving young, you can keep reinvesting gains and earning compound interest that adds up over the years. Perhaps even more important, you have time on your side. That means …  Read More